Thalassini Douma - ΘΑΛΑΣΣΙΝΗ ΔΟΥΜΑ

Thalassini Douma studied at the University for Foreigners of Perugia, University of Urbino and the Roberto Rossellini Institute in Rome. She lived in Italy from 1987 to 1998, where she came in contact with the contemporary art circles of San Lorenzo and the vecchia avant-garde art in Rome.

During that period of time, she comes close to Zoe Spazio Arte, where she meets the photographer Claudio Abate and Arte Povera’s Key figure, Jannis Kounellis. In 1996, she works for Fabio Sargentini’s renowned L’attico gallery in Rome, for the aristic project “Martiri e Santi”.

As a photojournalist, since 1991, she has covered crises in war zones and their impact on daily life on numerous assignments from the war in former Yugoslavia, to the Middle East, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Her work has appeared in major international publications including The Observer, The Guardian, The Straits Times, L’ Espresso, Il Manifesto, Archaeology magazine, Expressen.

In 1998 she began collaborating with the Associated Press in Athens as a photojournalist and for two years (2002-2004) she worked for the Athens 2004 Olympic Games Organizing Committee.

Her artwork has been hosted in a series of solo and collective exhibitions in Greece and abroad since 2006. Thalassini lives in Greece and travels often to create and expand her photographic projects, favouring issues concerning the environment and the connection of man with Mother Nature, which brought her to Greenland, the underground canyons of Arizona and the Amazon rain forest.

error: © Thalassini Douma